Ghost Chair


VR Disembodiment or “Ghost Chair”


Furniture is obviously a very physical medium, and virtual reality is very much the opposite being entirely digital. However, these mediums have much in common. The two points I’d like to focus on are that they both reside in 3 dimensional planes, and that they both are interactive. I want to make the viewer very aware of these aspects, but also about the subconscious psychological effects these mediums have on us that we take for granted. Within both these mediums we tend to have a complete unawareness of our bodies, we sit in a chair without thinking too much of it at the forefront of our conscious. It has become such a common task to us that we can sit down and stand up without thinking. Within VR we have this odd self-embodiment, where we almost leave our bodies behind in the physical realm and although it is still there, we forget about this. Part of this is the fact that it is out of sight out of mind.

I intend to create a physical digital realm in which through interaction viewers can experience a moment of hyper-self-awareness though disembodiment. It is my goal that this experience will cause them to walk away with a deeper understanding of both the mediums of the digital and physical by experiencing them in tandem. Because this is such an unusual experience, they will gain an understanding of what makes them unique, but what also makes them similar.

My Head hurts.PNG
Quin West